Finance & Funding
FundraisingFundraising is the process that your club undertakes to secure additional funds. It is the act of generating funds via voluntary contributions from individuals or organisations. Fundraising activities should be used to fund special activities such as new facility development, special events, and new programs or projects. This helps tell a story as people are more likely to donate money or time if they know why. FUNDRAISING COMMITTEEFundraising can be a very successful but a very time-consuming way to raise money. Consider the need to form a fundraising committee. Allocate duties within the fundraising committee and agree to meet at regular intervals to decide on activities and monitor progress. Make sure to always take minutes to keep everyone informed and accountable. FUNDRAISING INITIATIVESIt is important to plan fundraising activities to ensure they are evenly spread and target different potential donors. Some fundraising ideas include:
AUSTRALIAN CONSUMER LAWAustralian Consumer Law has a guide for fundraising and other activities of charities, not-for-profits and fundraisers. The guide sets out general principles and examples to assist the charity and fundraising sector in understanding its obligations under the ACL. Visit the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission website to download the guide.