Volunteer Coordinator
Volunteer Recruitment
Volunteer Retention
Volunteer Induction
Volunteer Recognition
Volunteer Dismissal
Paying Volunteers
Succession Planning
Conflict Management
All Templates
Volunteer Recognition
Recognising the efforts of volunteers plays an important part in volunteer retention. Recognition will help volunteers feel both valued and valuable.
Recognition can be done informally or formally within the club.
Here are some ideas.
- The committee member say hello and get to know all club volunteers
- Personal thank you after a training session or big event
- Fund volunteer training and education e.g. officiating courses, coaching courses
- List active volunteers on the club notice board or website
- Feature volunteer profiles on social media, website and club newsletter
- Acknowledge volunteer efforts at the AGM, presentation evenings
- Certificates and/or awards for volunteers e.g. Life Membership
- Enter outstanding volunteers into community-based recognition awards
- Organise a function for all volunteers throughout the year e.g. mixers or season launches
- Offer reductions in rego fees or entry to games for volunteers
- Give volunteers club merchandise e.g. caps, t-shirts
- Recognise your volunteers during National Volunteer Week