1. Club History & Membership
c. Please indicate below the number of Male and Female teams your club has in the 3 competition styles provided:
d. Please indicate below the number of Male and Female teams your club had at its peak in the 3 competition styles provided:
3. Overall of Club Competitions
4. Governance Structure
b. Please indicate by ticking the box for which of the following skills your Club has on its Board. Expertise defined as a person who has employed experience in that particular field. (check each box where your board considers it has expertise in this area)
5. Financial
6. Coaching
7. Referees
8. Membership Numbers 2019/2020 Season
a. Senior (Playing) Membership
b. Junior (Playing) Membership
c. FlippaBall Membership (or equivalent)
d. Non-Playing Membership (Officials, Volunteers, Spectators)
e. Social Membership
f. Diversity
9. Pool Access
a. On average, between September and April, how many hours per week does the Club have access to a pool for (please list estimated hours):
10. Pool Ownership
11. Partnerships
b. Please indicate the number of teams the club enters into the following competitions:
i. National League
ii. Summer Weekly Competitions (local)
iii. State Club Championships (if conducted by state)
iv. Australian Youth Water Polo Championships (AYWPC)
v. Australian Country Championships (Opens)
vi. Australian Masters Championships (Opens)
vii. Other Carnivals/Single Events between October and April
viii. Winter Weekly Competition