
2023 AYWPC Photographers & Video Pass Requests
Thu 29 Sep 2022 8:00AM — Thu 19 Jan 2023 8:00PM
Perth HPC, Stephenson Ave, Mount Claremont WA 6010

Event information

This event has passed.

Photographers with SLR Cameras must complete their details, including evidence of their Working with Children Check through this online form prior to their attendance at a venue. When arriving at a venue for the first time, the photographer must show the WWCC to a WPA staff member to sight and approve, along with evidence that the online form has been completed. An Photography Tag will then be provided for the photographer to wear which must be visible at all times. If teams wish to record games for training purposes, the person or person(s) recording the game(s) must be registered with WPA and the visions is not to be uploaded to any public sites without prior permission from WPA.

Those with tags are able to take photos/videos with their Cameras from the designated photography areas ONLY (Grandstands)

Professional Photographers or accredited Media Personnel will be wearing an identifiable Photographers Bib, are the only personnel allowed to photograph on Pool Deck.

WPA Staff and Event Officials have the authority to escort any persons that do not follow these rules off pool deck and remove any Event Entry Passes and/or photography tags.