
2024 Water Polo Australia Summit Registraion
Tue 01 Oct 2024 8:30AM — Wed 02 Oct 2024 4:00PM

Event information

Registration for this event closes at Fri 27 Sep 2024 5:00PM.

Water Polo Australia Summit 2024
Strengthening Relationships on Pool Deck
Date: 1st to 2nd October 2024
Location: Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise Gold Coast
Cost $150 per person
Inclusions: Morning, lunch and afternoon tea provided 

Key note speakers and Panels Include
- Boris Margeta from World Aquatics
- Ashley Ross - Head Coach at Coach Learning Solutions
- Sports Commission Panel
-  Kap 7 Presentation
-  WPA National Coaches and Olympic Referees
- Athlete Panel - Speakers to be announced
- Coach, Referee and Delagate break out groups

WPA Inaugral Summit Schedule

Day 1 – Tuesday 1st October

  1. 8:30am – Registration/Check in
  2. 9am – Official Welcome – Michael Westdorp
  3. 9:15am – 10:15am – Tim Hamill & Rebecca Rippon National Team and Olympics Review
  4. 10:15am – 11am – International Referee Experience Review
  5. 11am – Morning Tea
  6. 11:30am – 1:15pm – Ashley Ross, Coaching the Coach and Official
  7. 1:15pm – Lunch
  8. 2pm – 3pm Keynote Speaker Boris Margeta World Aquatics
  9. 3pm – 4pm – Break out Focus Groups
    • a.       Group 1 – Coaches – Tim Hamill & Rebecca Rippon
    • b.      Group 2 -  Officials – Boris Margeta & Don Cameron
    • c.       Group 3 -  Delegates – Ashley Ross

     10. 4pm – 4:15pm – Recap and Wrap Up

Day 2 – Wednesday 2nd October

  1. 8:45am – Open
  2. 9am – Welcome and Day 1 Recap – Michael Westdorp
  3. 9:15am – 10:15am – Ashly Ross, how to succeed together
  4. 10:15am – 11.15am – Sports Commission Panel
  5. 11:15am – Morning Tea
  6. 11:45am – 1:15pm – Athlete Panel (Speakers to be announced) – How Coaches and Officials impact athlete’s journey
  7. 1:15pm – 2pm – Lunch
  8. 2pm – 2:30pm – Kap7 Beach Polo
  9. 2:30pm 0 3pm – WP Learning Centre
  10. 3pm – 3:45pm – Break out Focus Groups
    • a.       Group 1 – Coaches – Tim Hamill & Rebecca Rippon
    • b.      Group 2 -  Officials – Boris Margeta & Don Cameron
    • c.       Group 3 -  Delegates – Ashley Ross

      11. 3:45pm-4pm – Wrap Up and Goodbye

Special room rate available for attendees at Crowne Plaza, Surfers Paradise.

Water Polo Australia

 Group's T&C
Water Polo Australia Attendees Only
Rate for a maximum of 2 adults
Extra person fee: $65 per person, per night
Breakfast not included, additional $25 per person if booked before or during check-in
Usual breakfast price is $39 when not pre-booked
Please contact for any inquiries

Cancellation Policy:
30 days or less - 1st night fee
7 days or less - Full stay fee



Files for download
WPA Inaugural Summit Schedule