Nominations called for non-Executive Directors on Water Polo Australia Board

Published Mon 02 Sep 2024

Water Polo Australia (WPA), the governing body for the sport in Australia, invites expressions of interest for Director positions on its Board. Two Directors are to be elected at the Annual General Meeting in November 2024.

There are over 20,000 registered water polo players in Australia and another 9,000 playing in schools. It has been an Olympic sport since 1900 and Australia has competed with distinction since its first team’s appearance in 1948. 

The Paris Olympic Games saw the Australian Women’s Team, the Stingers, claim the Olympic Silver medal, rocketing the Stingers into history as the sport’s second most successful team, eclipsed only by the Gold medal won by the side at the Sydney 2000 Games (where women’s water polo was admitted for the first time).

The Australian Men’s Team, the Aussie Sharks finished eighth in its competition in Paris, edged out of the semi-finals following a dramatic penalty shootout, which the USA won 5-4.

Expressions of interest are sought from skilled professionals who have an enthusiasm for the growth and development of water polo in Australia and who are keen to capitalise on the excellent results achieved in Paris. 

Directors must be able to commit to six to eight board meetings a year, an AGM, and to serve on one, and ideally two, committees each of which meets four times per year plus necessary preparation time.  The position is voluntary with expenses reimbursed.

The Board has delegated powers to the following Committees to assist it in discharging its duties:  Finance and Audit; Nominations; Governance, Risk and Integrity; High Performance; Sport Development; Strategy and External Affairs; History and Tradition; and Youth Advisory.

The administration of the sport in Australia is organised in a federated structure. All Australian states and territories (except the NT), and the Clubs that participate in WPA’s premier national league competition, comprise the voting and financial members of WPA.

The sport has three sources of funding: Government grants; player capitation fees together with club affiliation fees; and commercial sponsorships.

WPA’s aggregate revenue for the past 5 years is approximately $31 million.

WPA aligns to and performs well against the Australian Sports Commission’s Sports Governance Principles with top ratings against the five core principles. 

The Board has identified, through its skills analysis, that applicants should have the following skills and experience: 

  • An understanding of the application of modern governance principles and a qualification evidencing governance training undertaken and completed;

  • An understanding of the Australian sport system, with knowledge of participation and/or high-performance sport helpful; and 

  • One or more of these skills:

    • Finance and accounting qualifications

    • Legal qualifications

    • Experience with member organisation technology platforms

EOIs received will be reviewed by the WPA Nominations Committee which will also interview candidates, at its discretion, in early October 2024. 

The names and bios of candidates who are recommended to proceed will be submitted to members no later than seven days prior to the AGM which is to take place on 16 November 2024.


If you are interested in becoming an Elected Director please:

  1. Complete the applicable Nomination Form (see below links) according to the instructions on it.

  2. Submit your CV which should not exceed 2 A4 pages using size 10 font as a minimum.

Your completed Nomination form and CV are to be submitted to no later than 5pm (AEDT) on Monday
16 September 2024.


Water Polo Australia Board Nomination Form (Member nominated) - click here

Water Polo Australia Board Nomination Form (self-nominated) - click here

